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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Agenda - Follow These 5 Ways to Grow Your Online Presence!

CEO Agenda

Follow These 5 Ways to Grow Your Online Presence!

Businesswomen In Office

If you have just started your business or are new to the world of entrepreneurship, then creating a strong online presence can be a challenge for you. The process can get fairly frustrating but it certainly is worth all the time you spend on it. In this digital world, no business can survive for long without being on the internet. As Bill Gates said: “If your business is not on the internet then soon it will be out of business.”

Establishing and growing your online presence is extremely important.

The process of building a strong profile over the social media platforms and gaining strong rankings over SERP’s isn’t something that happens overnight. It also isn’t something that we can achieve by bribing someone. It is pure effort. You need to devise a strong and creative strategy to make yourself gain the traction you require. You must be wondering why an online presence is important for a business. Well, let’s discuss it.

Why is online presence necessary for a business?

There are several reasons why online presence has become an absolute necessity in this digital world. Internet and technology have made the world a global village. Everything about anything is just one search away. Due to the following factors, online presence has become crucial for the businesses:

  • Presence on the world of the internet makes it easier for potential customers to find you. For example: if someone is looking for local cable deals in San Diego. He will simply search for local cable deals in San Diego on Google and will come across several results. However, the topmost result will be the one providing more relevancy like Why? Because it is serving the people with relevant and authentic internet deals around the US.
  • Provides ease in showcasing your products to a large audience
  • It helps in creating a strong relationship with customers
  • Allows you to access the masses in order to market your product or service

How to grow your online presence and find more potential customers?

Search engine optimization:

Optimization of your website, channel or app is the most important and economical way to expand your online reach. This is the most efficient marketing tactic which involves only a great creative strategy and consistency, nothing else. All you have to do is spend your money on the resources that can help you optimize your website. The stats have shown that 57% of the small businesses own a website which calls for search engine optimization. When a customer is searching for your product or service online, how can they find you among that 57% of those service/product providers? The solution to this problem is SEO. If you haven’t done it already then get started with it to not only gain new customers but also to retain the existing ones.

Here are a few things which are highly important for SEO:

  • A mobile friendly website
  • Speedy website
  • Click to call button (if required)
  • Valid information
  • Optimization of URLs


Blogging is a great way to interact with your audience. It not only allows you to communicate with your audience but also motivates them to look into your products and services. A blog is the voice of your brand which spread’s your message to the masses in an interesting manner. Nevertheless, smart marketers do not limit themselves to just blog posts rather experiment with new strategies to keep things all spiced up.

Experts suggest that marketers should develop multiple types of content to keep the audience engaged at all times. Here are a few ways to do so:

  • Video blogs
  • Infographics
  • Webinars
  • Case studies or research papers
  • E-books or white paper
  • Online courses
  • Podcasts

Content of high quality with an element of uniqueness always gets itself the traffic.

Social media marketing:

Social media marketing is one of the core marketing techniques to improve your online presence. Almost every business is marketing on social media platforms whether it’s an established one or just a start-up. Many small businesses start from social media platforms and later, transform into big entities. In order to reap the benefit of social media marketing, you need to find yourself the suitable social media platform which compliments your niche. For instance, Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook are quite suitable for fashion and beauty, whereas LinkedIn is more professional and is ideal for corporate businesses. Spend 20 minutes every day to form interesting content to engage the audience. Constant efforts through organic and paid social media campaigns will enable you to reach millions of people.

Email Marketing:

Quite often, people assume email marketing to be a dead marketing technique, but they are absolutely wrong. Experts still consider email marketing as one of the most effective digital marketing tactics. It gets the most qualified leads than any other tactic. So, If you haven’t been utilizing the potential of email marketing then it is high time to start utilizing it. Create a strong email list and offer incentives to the audience like gift hampers or free e-books, etc. This way, the interested customers will click on the link and you will be able to build a strong and qualified customer base through email marketing.

Connect with other brands through guest posting and article submissions:

Your platform certainly cannot flourish online without having some strong connections. This is where guest posts and article submissions come in. Guest posts are often used to do branding. You all must be wondering how can it help in branding. Well, when you reach out to a webmaster, you consider a few factors:

  • Origin of the website
  • The audience of the website (Check from where the website is getting most of its traffic)
  • DA of the website
  • How relevant is the website to your niche?

Guest posts published on some credible website act as a confidence vote for your business and help attract the potential audience. This widens your exposure and helps increase the website traffic.

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Agenda - Follow These 5 Ways to Grow Your Online Presence!
Mindy Wright

Mindy Wright

Deputy Commissioning Editor
Mindy Wright is CEOWORLD magazine's Deputy Commissioning Editor, and leads global newsroom coverage and management. She oversees and coordinates coverage of the news and ideas in partnership with writers across the continent. She has reported from more than 15 countries across Asia, Europe, Africa and the Americas. She has advised CEOs, investors, boards, and high-profile industry leaders on a wide range of issues impacting the global business landscape. She can be reached on email You can follow her on Twitter at @ceoworld.