Monday, September 16, 2024

archiveChief Accounting Officer Insider

Executive Insider

Returning to the Office: What To Do If An Employee Refuses Vaccination

I don’t know how many people are sick to death of working from home, but I know I am. Maybe that makes me an outlier. There’s just something I miss about the routine of taking the train into work, seeing the team all together. It’s ultimately nostalgia, the same way...
Lifestyle and Travel

How Working Moms Can Break the Cycle of Trying to Do It All All The Time, Exploding & Guiltily Going Back to Trying to Do It All Again

Working Moms Are Stuck in An Endless Cycle of Burnout and Stress. It’s Bad for Them and For Business. Here Are Five Ways Senior Leaders Can Help Them Break Free. Leaning in professionally, managing the vast majority of their household needs, shouldering the burden of childcare responsibilities — working moms do it...
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