Saturday, July 27, 2024
CEOWORLD magazine - Archive in Sandra quince

Sandra quince

Sandra quince

Sandra quince is CEO of Paradigm of Parity. Founded in 2016 by a group of current and former business leaders, the Paradigm for Parity® coalition supports companies around the world in achieving their commitments to gender parity including racial equity in corporate leadership within 15 years. In partnership with member company executives and recognized experts, the organization develops and promotes strategies that transform corporate culture, so that women of all races, cultures and backgrounds have equal power and opportunity. The coalition’s 5-Point Action Plan provides an actionable solution to catalyze change and allow today’s business executives to secure the best leaders of tomorrow. They currently work with 140+ companies including Bank of America, Accenture, Bloomberg and Salesforce.

Sandra quince is an opinion columnist for the CEOWORLD magazine. Connect with her through LinkedIn.
Sandra Quince
CEO Insider

Taking the reins of my career and succeeding in the C-Suite through leadership coaching

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