Saturday, July 27, 2024
CEOWORLD magazine - Archive in Michael Hirschman

Michael Hirschman

Michael Hirschman

Michael Hirschman is the Founder and CEO of TRACKtech, a technology company focused on providing mobile solutions to the justice system, homelessness, addiction and more. His background in law enforcement and U.S. military intelligence provided the foundational ideas behind TRACKtech’s wrap-around service model – from entry to re-entry.

Michael Hirschman is an opinion columnist for the CEOWORLD magazine. You can follow him on LinkedIn.
CEO Insider

Post-Pandemic, There’s No Excuse: America Must Modernize Its Justice System

In the midst of a pandemic that has undoubtedly unleashed trauma and tragedy across our nation, we have seen our fellow citizens meet this tremendous challenge head-on — responding with courage, resilience and a particular type of ingenuity that is truly American. With the help of technology, we’ve rapidly changed...