Wednesday, May 1, 2024
CEOWORLD magazine - Archive in Marielena Sabatier

Marielena Sabatier

Marielena Sabatier

Marielena Sabatier is an executive coach with 20 years experience and founder and CEO of Inspiring Potential, a people development company who offer Executive Coaching, Leadership Training and Team Development.
CEO Advisory

Why feedback is a vital tool for leaders?

The BBC have recently announced that they have replaced staff appraisals with performance development reviews. The idea behind the change is to get away from the format of one person ‘appraising’ the other’s performance, instead providing an opportunity to discuss a person’s role, career ambitions and development, as well as...
CEO Insider

How to delegate effectively

Delegating is something all CEOs and managers must do in order for their company to be successful. But delegating effectively isn’t always plain sailing; it is a skill that needs to be learnt and some leaders can find it difficult. Delegating is not abdicating, which is one of the most...