Sunday, May 19, 2024

Margot Cairnes

Margot Cairnes

Margot Cairnes has been a trusted mentor to CEOs and Boards worldwide, leading multi-billion dollar strategic change programs in collaboration with clients. A World Economic Forum participant and mentor, Margot has written 6 books on leadership in times of rapid and disruptive change. For many years, she founded and managed Zaffyre Pty Ltd, Australia's largest and longest-operating strategic change consultancy. She now resides in Byron Bay and mentors clients over Zoom.

Margot Cairnes is an Executive Council member at the CEOWORLD magazine. You can follow her on LinkedIn, for more information, visit the author’s website CLICK HERE.
CEO Briefing

Flexischools – an entrepreneurial success story

The average lifespan of an American company is 11.5 years. 50% of start-ups fail within the first 6 months.  So, what is the secret behind Flexischools, a quietly achieving Australian company that has been running for 17 years and captured 25% of the national market, while generating an off shoot which...
Margot Cairnes
CEO Insights

Is conscious business conscious?

Chat GPT tells us that “conscious business practices, also known as socially responsible or sustainable business practices, are becoming increasingly widespread. Many companies are incorporating environmental, social, and ethical considerations into their business models and decision-making processes. This trend is driven by various factors, including growing consumer awareness, investor interest...
Margot Cairnes
Banking and Finance

Strategy in Motion

When the world changed more slowly, when we had fewer unknown unknowns and less complexity, we thought we could have clear long-term strategies.  The leading strategic consulting firms capitalized on this and were able to sell, for millions, volumes of well-reasoned arguments about where the world was going and how...
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