Saturday, July 27, 2024
CEOWORLD magazine - Archive in Chan Kung

Chan Kung

Chan Kung

The founder of ANBOUND Think Tank, Chan Kung, is one of China’s renowned experts in information analysis. Most of Chan Kung‘s outstanding academic research activities are in economic information analysis, particularly in the area of public policy.

Chan Kung is an opinion columnist for the CEOWORLD magazine. Connect with him through LinkedIn.
Merkava tank
CEO Insider

The World of Confrontation and Division Requires Objective Analysis

Conflict seems omnipresent in the contemporary world. In the United States, clashes between the Democratic and Republican parties are evident. Similarly, the Middle East is embroiled in the Israel-Hamas conflict, while Europe witnesses the ongoing Ukraine-Russia war. Additionally, ideological divides within nations contribute to global tension. Indeed, this is the...
Artificial Intelligence
CEO Insider

Future Computer Models Under AI Conditions

What will the future of computers look like? Can we anticipate these futuristic products today? The answer is actually yes. Information analysis often employs a window observation method to predict future trends. This year, such a "window" comes from Samsung. On January 17, the South Korean tech giant officially hosted...
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