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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Stats Gate - Wealthiest People in Indonesia (July 25, 2023)

Stats Gate

Wealthiest People in Indonesia (July 25, 2023)

Indonesia Flag

As of July 25, 2023, Low Tuck Kwong was the wealthiest person in Indonesia, with an estimated net worth of 28.0 billion U.S. dollars, followed by Robert Budi Hartono (No. 2, $26.6 billion), Michael Hartono (No. 3, $25.4 billion); and Sri Prakash Lohia (No. 4, $7.2 billion).

Prajogo Pangestu is the fifth-richest person in Indonesia, with a whopping $6.3 billion. Tahir & family ranked 6th with a personal wealth of $5.4 billion, followed by Chairul Tanjung, $5.0 billion. Dewi Kam is placed 8th with a net worth of $4.6 billion. Djoko Susanto ($4.3 billion) occupied the 9th position among Indonesia’s top 10 wealthiest people.



  1. Low Tuck Kwong: $28.0 billion
  2. Budi Hartono: $26.6 billion
  3. Michael Hartono: $25.4 billion
  4. Sri Prakash Lohia: $7.2 billion
  5. Prajogo Pangestu: $6.3 billion
  6. Tahir & family: $5.4 billion
  7. Chairul Tanjung: $5.0 billion
  8. Dewi Kam: $4.6 billion
  9. Djoko Susanto: $4.3 billion
  10. Lim Hariyanto Wijaya Sarwono: $4.2 billion
  11. Martua Sitorus: $3.2 billion
  12. Theodore Rachmat: $3.2 billion
  13. Sukanto tanoto: $2.8 billion
  14. Hermanto Tanoko: $2.2 billion
  15. Peter Sondakh: $2.0 billion
  16. Otto Toto Sugiri: $1.9 billion
  17. Bambang Sutantio: $1.7 billion
  18. Mochtar Riady & family: $1.5 billion
  19. Sjamsul Nursalim: $1.4 billion
  20. Soegiarto Adikoesoemo: $1.3 billion
  21. Kiki Barki: $1.3 billion
  22. Murdaya poo: $1.3 billion
  23. Haryanto Tjitodihardjo: $1.2 billion
  24. Alexander Tedja: $1.1 billion
  25. Marina Budiman: $1.0 billion
  26. Wijono Tanoko: $1.0 billion

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Stats Gate - Wealthiest People in Indonesia (July 25, 2023)
Lisa Brown
Lisa Brown is the opinion editor for News and Initiatives at the CEOWORLD magazine, supervising coverage that includes consumer issues, technology, travel, life, and money news. She's a California native who grew up in the Central Valley. Lisa is also an editor on the Breaking News desk and oversees stories of national significance. Reach her at