Saturday, July 27, 2024
CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Advisory - Accelerate Your Organizational Effectiveness in the Mind of Your Customers, CoWorkers & Employees NOW – Successful Businesses Have Learned the Secret to Motivating Their Employees!

CEO Advisory

Accelerate Your Organizational Effectiveness in the Mind of Your Customers, CoWorkers & Employees NOW – Successful Businesses Have Learned the Secret to Motivating Their Employees!

Do your employees play the “blame game,” or are they willing to take responsibility for their actions and outcomes? 

Winning organizations and individuals do not make excuses or point fingers when they have not met their performance expectations. Instead, they freely assume ownership for the outcomes they have produced.

Creating a climate where individuals are willing and eager to take ownership of their behaviors and how they impact the organization comes down to a simple sequence of interlinked actions. We will discuss these below.

First, let’s take a look at the burning question in most leaders’ minds… “How do I go about getting others to assume a higher level of ownership?”

Historically, leaders have believed that with the right external motivation, their employees can achieve anything. However, the root of motivation, and the key to getting the best possible performance out of your employees, doesn’t begin where you may think.

In working with profit and not-for-profit sector organizations over the past two decades, I’ve seen a clear model arise that differentiates the winners from the losers. Successful businesses know that:

  1. When you fully understand someone’s strengths and weaknesses and then utilize their strengths while delegating their weak areas to others, they experience success. This feeling of accomplishment or victory improves their self-esteem. Ultimately, you have set them up for success by allowing them to shine through their skills and abilities. (And, you can do this for yourself as well!)
  2. When someone is victorious, and their self-esteem improves, they become significantly more MOTIVATED to apply themselves, assuming more responsibility, and becoming more excited to participate. At this point, incentive and motivation programs and initiatives become less critical.
  3. When individuals become MOTIVATED seeing their victories and successes, they become significantly more PASSIONATE about life and apply themselves fully to all their different endeavors.
  4. When individuals are passionate about something, they are happy to take OWNERSHIP of those things.

In order to encourage your employees to take ownership, you must first set them up for VICTORY! The cycle or circular diagram below becomes an addiction to victory, where individuals seek more opportunities to showcase their best skills and abilities and thus see continued achievement and success.

This model came about from a reverse analysis of some of the most successful businesses and many of my clients today. People that assume OWNERSHIP seem to be among the most PASSIONATE at what they do. Those that have a high passion for what they do are continuously MOTIVATED by what they do. This can only happen when people are set up for VICTORIES, having been given those tasks that they are best mentally and physically equipped to undertake. All of this feeds one’s self-esteem, allowing them to accomplish great things for themselves and your organization as a whole!

Written by Dr. Jeffrey Magee.

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Advisory - Accelerate Your Organizational Effectiveness in the Mind of Your Customers, CoWorkers & Employees NOW – Successful Businesses Have Learned the Secret to Motivating Their Employees!
Dr. Jeffrey Magee
C-Suite and Military General clients come to Dr. Jeffrey Magee for ENTERPRISE-WIDE Talent Development & Human Capital succession architecture. The need today to collapse down years/months/weeks into days is critical! Sustainable Solutions NOW. Jeffrey Magee, PhD/CBE/CMC/CSP/PDM is the “Thought Leaders Leader.” Jeffrey is the publisher and editor-in-chief of Professional Performance Magazine, editor of the LEADERSHIP MASTERY and SALES MASTERY blogs, a former nationally syndicated Radio Talk Show Host, as well as a publisher author of 31 books, translated into 21-languages, to include 4-Best Sellers (YOUR TRAJECTORY CODE/WILEY)) and 4 graduate management text books (THE MANAGERIAL-LEADERSHIP BIBLE/PEARSON EDUCATION). He is a leadership columnist, and highly sought global professional speaker on performance psychology.

The recipient of the United States Junior Chamber’s TEN OUTSTANDING YOUNG AMERICANS (TOYA) Award, and the United States National GUARD’s Total Team VICTORY Medal for civilian contribution to the Armed Services. Massive hyper GROWTH & PROFITABILITY is the resume of 100% of our 2020 clients - Business Growth & Leadership Development: Working with Organizations at the C-Suite level to protect & leverage their most valuable asset - their PEOPLE!

Dr. Jeffrey Magee is an opinion columnist for the CEOWORLD magazine. You can follow him on LinkedIn. For more information, visit the author’s website.