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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Advisory - How we are taught to measure success – But is it the best way?

CEO Advisory

How we are taught to measure success – But is it the best way?

Successful Happy Businessman

People usually associate success at the business sector with two factors. The amount of the salary they get and the job title they hold. In fact, these two factors are considered essential for the success of an individual. If you ask a person what success means don’t be surprised to hear that this word which brings so much anxiety and endless hours of hard work is perceived to being achieved by 50% from a good salary and by another 50% from a high job title. But is this the best way to measure success?

Although, some may disagree this is not the appropriate way of measuring success. We are not robots, we are human beings and it seems that some psychological factors go first and then follow the salary and the job title. Money and honors are definitely important in someone’s life but can’ t make him a complete and healthy personality when there is a lack in some other fundamentals.

If we would try to make a circle and put inside all the crucial factors that lead to success, this circle would include first of all mental health, physical health, liking what you do, having free time and then salary and job title.

Surveys show that employees with good mental health are more productive. On the other hand, mental illnesses such as depression are associated with higher rates of disability and unemployment. Good mental health improves someone’s mood, reduces feelings of stress or anger, helps one person make new connections, be more active and improves confidence and self-esteem. As far success in the labor market is concerned a person must first of all take into consideration this factor, trying to keep his or her mental health at a high level.

Physical health comes second. Trying to keep a regular pace of gentle exercise you will manage to have strong muscles and bones. Regular exercise also help us maintain a healthy weight protecting at the same time our heart and reducing the chance of getting diagnosed with cancer. Of course, physical exercise can take away feelings of depression and make us feel more joy, ready to face all the difficulties of life.

If we manage to shield ourselves by ensuring mental and physical health, then the next crucial factor that we should take into consideration for our success is feeling pleased for what we do. People who like what they do and love their job tend to be more optimistic, motivated and productive. They also tend to make fewer mistakes and be good at taking the right decisions. So, what about trying to think the top three things you like most about your job and workplace?

Free time is also essential. But you should definitely spend your free time in ways that make you happy. It is worth mentioning again that happiness leads to success and not success to happiness. So, try in your free time and invest on experiences that make good memories, teach you new skills or capabilities and drive you away for a while from digital devices. Also, in our free time we should spend time with our friends or families or do some volunteer work.

Just before we close the circle with the elements that complement the success in the professional career, we add the salary and the title. But have in mind that these two elements contribute to a very small percentage to the success one feels compared to the above.

This is a brief presentation from me of how we are taught to measure success in our life but in fact before reaching a satisfactory salary and a high job title, there are other fundamentals that matter. I am sure we all can understand this, through our journey to the labor market.

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Advisory - How we are taught to measure success – But is it the best way?
Maria Gourtsilidou
Maria Gourtsilidou is Senior Editor of Research and Data Analytics at the CEOWORLD magazine. She is responsible for driving thought leadership, using data analytics to showcase the company’s products and services, and fostering knowledge sharing between CEOWORLD magazine and client organizations. She studied Public Administration (Economics Of The Public Sector) in Greece and holds a Bachelor’s in Public Administration from the Panteion University of Political & Social Studies. Follow Maria Gourtsilidou on Twitter. Write at