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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Success and Leadership - Top 5 Core Values Of Western Societies

Success and Leadership

Top 5 Core Values Of Western Societies

We live in a constantly changing world where ideas and values are being constantly criticized and examined under the microscope. Most countries of the developed world share some common things about what is good, ethical, and important. Our priorities determine our lifestyle and even the way we do business. So what are the hot topics that our society cares about the most? Below, the most crucial values that concern today’s people are being discussed.

  1. Individualism
    Individualism is a recent trend in people’s perspectives. It came as a result of people becoming familiar with therapy. Most psychiatrists and mental health counselors advise their clients to take care of themselves and prioritize their needs. In an attempt to help them escape from the trap to satisfy others they led them to the conclusion that caring about others means they don’t love themselves enough. In addition, millennials have grown in families where the child’s needs were heard and kids were receiving a great amount of attention. On the contrary people of past generations didn’t have the luxury to focus on themselves so much. The outcome is that the concept of individualism has now grown more than ever with all the positive and negative effects this can have on society.
  2. Personal responsibility
    The good thing about people focusing on themselves is that they also recognize their personal responsibilities. They believe they have civic duties and trust they can make changes through the way they live. For example, awareness regarding climate change has risen among our communities and more and more people make the essential steps to achieving the desired goals. A reason for this is that in western society there is not anarchy on the behalf of governments. Citizens trust the orders and proposals of the government as well as various institutionalized organizations. They believe in the results of scientific research and they act in a way that shows respect. On the other hand, in many developing countries governments have betrayed citizens’ trust and the two sides don’t work together.
  3. Free enterprise
    Wealth and success in the working environment have been the goal for many people around the world since ancient times. The characteristic that separates people of today that live in the developed countries is how to achieve that. New businesses and startups are encouraged and people have turned their focus on creating new things. They bring fresh ideas and they have the willingness to put them into practice and test them. They are not afraid of the risk while at the same time there is much space for them to act on today’s landscape. A parameter that further helps in that direction is that potential failure does not lead to complete disaster since their finances are relatively good.
  4. Equality
    Some years ago the idea of democracy would travel across the globe inspiring people that justice is coming to the world. Accompanied with trust in justice and law people were more than happy when this subject was discussed. Today, the concept of equality has come to play the same role. Art and cinema movies have come to change people’s minds and the landscape is completely different. Consider the huge changes that have happened in the United States over the last century. Racism may still be a vital issue but the extent that this matter has now is quite different. The United States may be the country that has noted the most impressive steps on overcoming racism compared with any other place while much effort still has to be made. At the same time, issues over sexism or sexual identity are openly being discussed in more and more countries.
  5. Patriotism
    It is surprising, but in the world of globalization, patriotism seems to gain ground in people’s minds. Two World Wide Wars had an enormous effect on society’s mindset. The loss of communism and the total domination of capitalism even in countries that were traditionally left in terms of politics have made people think of their nation from a whole different perspective again. Patriotism may come as a spontaneous reflex to the gradual elimination of traditions. For some people, this is considered to be a right turn that follows all revolutionary periods.


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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Success and Leadership - Top 5 Core Values Of Western Societies
Anna Siampani
Anna Siampani, Lifestyle Editorial Director at the CEOWORLD magazine, working with reporters covering the luxury travel, high-end fashion, hospitality, and lifestyle industries. As lifestyle editorial director, Anna oversees CEOWORLD magazine's daily digital editorial operations, editing and writing features, essays, news, and other content, in addition to editing the magazine's cover stories, astrology pages, and more. You can reach Anna by mail at