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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Insider - Expert Tips for Female Entrepreneurs Above 30

CEO Insider

Expert Tips for Female Entrepreneurs Above 30

With growing opportunities and technological advancements, setting up a business has no longer an unattainable dream. Business and entrepreneurship was essentially a male-dominated profession and many women used to hesitate to openly come up with business ideas. But now, a lot of changes have occurred in the way female entrepreneurs are taking the lead and getting their mettle proved.

However, some challenges still remain for female entrepreneurs when they cross 30- let it be age issues, competition or professional challenges. Here are some expert tips for female entrepreneurs above 30 to lead a successful business:

  1. Failure is Okay:  Many business self- help books quote that a success only attitude helps for a business. But failures are also a part and parcel of improvement and development. By having a friendly attitude towards failure and embracing it- things gets, even more, easier for working towards a better output.
  2. Feedback is Your Friend: A successful business runs over feedback from team members, customers, and clients. Female entrepreneurs above 30 should focus on getting feedback at every step to enhance their businesses. Never compromise or hesitate to ask about a certain decision or action- as it will help the team to take well-informed decisions.
  3. Never Stop Learning: The myth usually says that learning stops after academic pursuits which typically end by 30s.  A female entrepreneur is generally expected to raise a family, earn money and so on after crossing 30 but not focusing on learning new things. But learning is your friend to understand the makings of business and also implement new ideas. Learning in the right attitude is the greatest university one can attend!
  4. Ask for What’s Needed: Communication should be the main key while working in a team. The sign of a successful entrepreneur is how well they communicate with the team members.  If any work needs to be done from a team member, the entrepreneur needs to quote it in a hard and clear tone and at the same time appreciating the work which was already done. This inculcates a healthy atmosphere in the team.
  5. Think Big: Never settle for something mediocre when it comes to business.  While it is nothing wrong to pat ourselves on back for good progress in work, it would get stagnant not to think big when it comes to developing business. It is the first step to innovate business and maximize profits.
  6. Find Ways to Rejuvenate: 30s is a decade for women especially to find their worth and also take time out for relaxation. It is quite important for women to make sure that stress doesn’t get to them. Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is quite essential. Take time for relaxing workouts, learning a creative skill like crafts or consider doing charity as well.
  7. Trust Your Instincts: Women often find it a little challenging to trust their own instincts and decide on important things. They tend to depend on the male peers for a reassuring nod on their decisions. But dear ladies, your power of intuition is much more powerful! Embrace and trust the same!

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Insider - Expert Tips for Female Entrepreneurs Above 30
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