Friday, November 22, 2024

archiveBoard Members Insider

Fear vs Phobia – Mechanism for Protection or Self-Destruction
Special Reports

Fear vs Phobia – Mechanism for Protection or Self-Destruction?

Fear is the negative feeling that every person experiences if they realize the existence of a threat. Although it is considered an unpleasant and intense feeling, it acts as a mechanism of survival and self-protection since it activates the instinct of "self-protection" and puts us in a state of defence...
Robin Landa
CEO Insider

Widen Your Idea Lens to Generate Worthwhile Ideas

Groupthink is stealth. Beware. Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) combat groupthink, which is a mode of thinking that occurs when individuals of a highly cohesive, insular group or an in-group strive for consensus and might avoid or override alternate viewpoints, ideas, actions, or dissent. Also, an in-group might be unfamiliar with...
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