Sunday, June 16, 2024

CEO Spotlight

Mihir Khedkar
CEO Spotlight

Top Strategies for Long-Term Profitability – Insights From Entrepreneur Mihir Khedkar

Achieving long-term profitability is a goal that every business aspires to, yet many struggle to sustain it over time. Approximately 40% of small businesses achieve profitability over time. However, 30% experience losses, and another 30% simply break even. The primary reasons for business failure often include a lack of demand and...
Ayvazyan Gennady Sergeevich
CEO Spotlight

Gennady Ayvazyan: Life Saga of a Diversified Investor and His Voyage from the Capital’s Coast to the High Seas of Global Business

Gennady Ayvazyan: His Own Life Saga As an Entrepreneur Belonging to the Automotive, Coal, and Investment Sectors. Gennady Sergeevich Ayvazyan has extensive management experience in international logistics. He invests in high-tech enterprises in the healthcare, distance education, financial management automation, and agricultural cybernetics development sectors and consults entrepreneurs in startup...
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