Sunday, June 16, 2024

Money and Wealth

CEOWORLD magazine - Money and Wealth

Mexico Flag
Banking and FinanceMoney and Wealth

Mexican Peso Plunge Wipes $16 Billion from Fortunes of Top Billionaires

The unexpected victory of President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum has triggered a significant decline in the Mexican peso, impacting the fortunes of the country's wealthiest business figures. Since the June 2 election, the combined net worth of five Mexican billionaires, including Carlos Slim and German Larrea, has plunged by $16 billion, totaling...
CEO BriefingMoney and WealthSuccess and Leadership

200 Wealthiest Australians See Their Fortune Rising and Control a Staggering $625 Billion

The 2024 edition of the annual Rich List published by the Australian Financial Review (AFR) reveals that the 200 wealthiest Australians now control a staggering $625 billion, an 11% increase from last year's $563 billion. This immense wealth represents roughly a quarter of Australia's annual gross domestic product for 2023....
CEO SpotlightMoney and Wealth

Chanel’s Billionaire Owners Reap Massive Dividends, Boost Wealth and Diversification

Over the past three years, the billionaire Wertheimer family, owners of the luxury brand Chanel, have accumulated $12.4 billion in dividends, significantly boosting their personal wealth and supporting their diversification efforts beyond high fashion. Meanwhile, Chanel recently announced the departure of Virginie Viard, the artistic director who had been with...
Lifestyle and TravelMoney and Wealth

Investments of Footballer Martin Braithwaite in Real Estate Make Him Richer

Footballers' salaries and sponsorship deals continue to skyrocket, particularly in the Premier League, where TV revenues are soaring, and fifteen out of twenty clubs are owned by billionaires. While many players are content to live off their substantial earnings, others leverage their income to build even greater wealth through business...
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