Saturday, July 27, 2024
CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Special Reports - These Are the Weapons the US Sold to Taiwan

Special Reports

These Are the Weapons the US Sold to Taiwan

The idea of creating a weapons arsenal as a possible present to Taiwan, just like what was done in the Russia-Ukraine affair. Prior to this time, President Biden had already signed the 2023 NDAA worth $858 billion towards defense expenditure. This entails an amount of twenty billion dollars to Taiwan, which also allows for the possibility of ten billion for the period of the next four years so as to enable them to modernize their military forces. Also, the NDAA includes an additional $2 billion in loan guarantees for buying US arms and services. In order to tap into the $10 billion of foreign military financing grants, the US secretary of state has to inform Congress that the country’s expenditure on defense is growing significantly.

In 1954, the USA and what was known as The Republic of China, otherwise identified as Taiwan, signed a Mutual Defence treaty that applied up to 1980. In 1979, President Jimmy Carter recognized Taiwan diplomatically, and the Taiwan Relations Act was passed by Congress. This entails that the US pledges to supply defense articles and services that enable Taiwan to develop its own defensive ability.

In 1979 and 1980, upon his authority, arms were sold to Taiwan, allowing to buy various weaponry, such as F-5E fighter jets, air-to-ground Maverick missiles, and the anti-tank BGM-7. Still, to date, there has been no delivery of all authorized weapons since then for several reasons: change to the Taiwanese’s choice and limits of existing stockpiles in the United States. Among others, this list doesn’t include the necessary activities or parts that are needed in the operation and support of these eight major weapons systems that were just recently authorized to be sold or provided to Taiwan.

The Mark-48 is a self-propelled anti-submarine heavyweight torpedo, with the U.S. authorizing sales to Taiwan in 2002 (54 units), 2017 (46 units), and 2020 (18 units). Costing approximately $10 million each, including spare parts and support, it features an advanced capability (ADCAP) variant and is produced by Raytheon and Lockheed Martin.

The AGM-84 Harpoon, a stand-off land attack missile, was initially authorized for sale to Taiwan in 1997 (54 missiles). Recently, President Biden approved the sale of 400 Harpoon missiles and related equipment, totaling $2.37 billion. Boeing manufactures these missiles, each priced at about $1.5 million.

The MGM-168 ATACMS, a short-range surface-to-surface ballistic missile, and the M142 HIMARS launchers were authorized for sale to Taiwan in 2020 (64 missiles and 11 launchers), costing $436.1 million. Manufactured by Lockheed Martin, these systems enhance Taiwan’s artillery capabilities.

The M109A6 Paladin, a self-propelled 155 mm howitzer, saw the U.S. authorize the sale of 40 units to Taiwan at $750 million. However, Taiwan opted for 29 HIMARS systems and 84 ATACMS platforms instead. BAE Systems builds the Paladin.

The AAV7A1, an amphibious armored personnel carrier, was authorized for sale in 2001 (54 vehicles) and is manufactured by BAE Systems Inc. Equipped with a grenade launcher or a 25mm gun, it serves the Marine Corps for ship-to-shore transport.

Patriot Missile Systems, first authorized in 1993 (200 systems) by President Bill Clinton, received further authorization from Presidents Obama and Biden. A full battery, costing approximately $1.1 billion, includes radar, control station, power generators, launchers, and up to 16 missiles per launcher. Raytheon is the manufacturer.

AIM-9X Sidewinder Missiles, an air-intercept missile, were authorized for sale to Taiwan by President Biden at a value of up to $85.6 million. Lockheed Martin produces this cost-effective and popular air-to-air missile.

AIM-120 AMRAAM, an advanced medium-range air-to-air missile, was authorized for sale in 2000 (200 missiles, 292 launchers) by President Clinton. Priced at over $2.3 million per missile, it offers “fire and forget” capability and is manufactured by Raytheon.


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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Special Reports - These Are the Weapons the US Sold to Taiwan
Poulami Saha
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