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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Education and Career - Top Universities In The World For Studying Environmental Science

Education and Career

Top Universities In The World For Studying Environmental Science

Engineering and mining were once the epitome of professional endeavors but with the changing times, they have lost their sheen. The present era demands care for the environmental resources that are so vital to the human life. The future focus of professional orientation is on the environmental scientists. Those people who want to save the planet and restore balance of the environment. If you are someone who heeds to this calling then you are at the right place.

We have here the top universities in the world for studying environmental science:

  1. Harvard University, U.S.A.
    Apart from its reputed academic courses, Environmental Scientists here are also known for their collaborations with various MNCs and non-governmental organizations. These works are documented in various academic magazines and journals and serve as the guiding light for students in many other universities. Harvard is a dream place for someone who wants to gain experience on real-world issues while still pursuing their academics. If you are interested in getting published then there can be no better alternative for you. The number of papers being published here and then cited internationally is the highest in comparison to all premier institutions featured on this list. You can enter Harvard as an undergraduate and continue your journey well into your post-doctoral thesis without feeling the need to change your academic destination.
  2. Stanford University, U.S.A.
    Stanford is not just an academic paradise; it is also a heaven for researchers and academicians. It attracts scores of scholars monthly in form of seminars and workshops. As a student of Environmental Science here, you will get the opportunity to work alongside the brightest minds in the field. Cutting-edge research and thought-provoking discussions will be your daily routine. Stanford allows you to bring to life your research, ideas, and hypothesis. That should give you an inkling about how hard it can be to get into the university. The brightest minds from all over the world compete to get a seat here. Once you get through, every door you can imagine will be open and will be yours for the taking.
  3. University of Oxford, U.K.
    There is not an academician who has not heard about the Oxford University Press. The reason, apart from its wide academic presence, is the number of publications in a year that the University of Oxford has. These publications are the result of years of hard work of dedicated researchers. And as a student here, you will have access to countless sources of information. Environmental Science, like other subjects, has its dedicated academic wing and laboratories, a student cannot ask for anything more!
  4. Imperial College, U.K.
    Sitting in the heart of civilization, Imperial College in London is the center for a lot of research work being done in the country. Environmental Science is approached as a practical subject as opposed to a theoretical one (as it is interpreted in many universities). The benefit of this approach is that it allows for more practical solutions, more innovations, and thus more alternatives for real-world applications. As a student, if you are stimulated by bringing about active change in your field, then Imperial College is where you should head to.
  5. University of Cambridge, U.K.
    The sheer number of books that come out of this university and the reputation that it holds in the academic world is more than enough to convince anyone of the gravitas of the work being done here. The University of Cambridge is one of the oldest academic institutions devoted to working for the environment. It is an excellent option for students interested in pursuing research work. Grants and aids for fellows are aplenty here; alumni and international corporations donate for the cause alike. Getting into Cambridge might not be easy but once you are through, the exhilaration of working for the cause is like nothing you have felt before.
  6. University of Copenhagen, Denmark
    The University of Copenhagen has been leading from the front in combating climate change in Denmark. It holds an exemplary reputation in research work in the nation and is the seat for many landmark changes in legislation (pertaining to the environment) and industrial regulations. The scholars of the university work not for financial affluence but rather for bringing about sustainability in the consumption pattern of the people. The focus is not on innovations and patents of discovery but rather on redefining the way of living of people so that the environmental impact of rapid industrialization can be minimized. The research work here is cited in papers around the world.

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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - Education and Career - Top Universities In The World For Studying Environmental Science
Sophie Ireland
Sophie is currently serving as a Senior Economist at CEOWORLD magazine's Global Unit. She started her career as a Young Professional at CEOWORLD magazine in 2010 and has since worked as an economist in three different regions, namely Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa, East Asia, and the Pacific. Her research interests primarily revolve around the topics of economic growth, labor policy, migration, inequality, and demographics. In her current role, she is responsible for monitoring macroeconomic conditions and working on subjects related to macroeconomics, fiscal policy, international trade, and finance. Prior to this, she worked with multiple local and global financial institutions, gaining extensive experience in the fields of economic research and financial analysis.

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