If you possess a professional background or have a strong passion for writing, we welcome you to apply as a contributor to share your expertise with our esteemed readership, consisting of affluent and influential individuals.
CEOWORLD magazine, with an impressive record of over 12.4+ million page views, is the premier business magazine globally. With a distinct focus on serving CEOs, COOs, CFOs, senior corporate executives, business leaders, private equity investors, investment bankers, and high-net-worth individuals, it has established itself as a trusted source of information and insights.
The magazine caters specifically to this influential audience, providing exclusive content tailored to their interests and needs, making it an invaluable resource for top-level professionals and discerning individuals worldwide.
CEOWORLD magazine understands the discerning nature of its readership – intelligent, skeptical, and often pressed for time. Recognizing the need to captivate their interest promptly, the magazine strives to provide compelling and immediately applicable content.
“Its primary goal is to deliver actionable information and practical inspiration to many professionals, including CEOs, CFOs, CIOs, high-level executives, board directors, top business leaders, and high-net-worth individuals. CEOWORLD magazine ensures that it keeps its readers engaged, satisfied, and eager to explore the insights and inspiration it offers by focusing on creating content that is informative, engaging, and directly applicable to their professional lives.
We try to arm our readers with ideas that help them become smarter, more creative, and more courageous in their work. We enlist the foremost influencers and experts to share their insights and counsel.”
To contribute to the CEOWORLD magazine, pitch your story idea first: info@ceoworld.biz
It’s advisable to keep email pitches as pitchy as possible. Make them straightforward.
We receive many more submissions than we can publish. Our editors typically take around five business days to review articles. If five business days have passed without a word from our editorial team, you can safely assume they aren’t interested and publish your piece elsewhere.
If we’ve passed on something you’ve submitted, please feel free to try again with another idea. If our editors have said no multiple times, it may mean your work isn’t a good fit for our audience.
What we’re looking for?
How to get started?
We recommend looking at our website to check which topics are already covered and to understand our writing style. You can send your final draft to info@ceoworld.biz Include the author’s image (500 x 500 pixels).
If the placement of links is your goal, then CEOWORLD Magazine is not a good fit for you, and it will save time for everyone if you look elsewhere.
Topics: CEOWORLD magazine offers comprehensive coverage across diverse issues, ensuring that its readership gains valuable insights and knowledge. The magazine delves into various areas critical to business success, including strategy, leadership, organizational change, diversity and inclusion, innovation, decision-making, marketing, career transitions, work-life balance, and managing teams.
Accounting | Difficult Conversations | Job Interviews | Power and Influence |
Adaptive Leadership | Digital Transformation | Job Search | Presentation Skills |
Advertising | Disabilities | Joint Ventures | Pricing Strategy |
Age and Generational Issues | Dismissing Employees | Labor | Privacy and Confidentiality |
Agile Project Management | Disruptive Innovation | Leadership | Private Equity |
AI and Machine Learning | Diversity and Inclusion | Leadership and Managing People | Process Management |
Algorithms | Downsizing | Leadership Development | Product Development |
Analytics and Data Science | Economic Cycles and Trends | Leadership Qualities | Product Launches |
Angel Financing | Economic Systems | Leadership Styles | Product Management |
Antitrust Laws | Economics | Leadership Transitions | Production |
Authenticity | Emerging Markets | Leadership Vision | Professional Networks |
Automation | Emotional Intelligence | Leading Teams | Project Management |
Balanced Scorecard | Employee Engagement | Lean Business Model | Psychology |
Balancing Work and Family | Employee Incentives | LGBT Rights | Psychology and Neuroscience |
Behavioral Economics | Employee Performance Management | Listening Skills | Public Relations |
Behavioral Science | Employee Retention | Management | Public Speaking |
Blockchain | Enterprise Computing | Management Communication | Public-private Partnerships |
Boards | Entrepreneurial Business Strategy | Management Philosophy | R&D |
Brand Management | Entrepreneurial Exit Strategy | Management Skills | Race |
Budgets and Budgeting | Entrepreneurial Finance | Management Styles | Receiving Feedback |
Burnout | Entrepreneurial Financing | Managerial Accounting | Recessions |
Business and Society | Entrepreneurial Legal Issues | Managerial Behavior | Remote Work |
Business Communication | Entrepreneurial Management | Managing Conflicts | Resumes |
Business Education | Entrepreneurs and Founders | Managing Employees | Retirement Planning |
Business Ethics | Entrepreneurship | Managing People | Risk Management |
Business Failures | Executive Compensation | Managing Up | Sales |
Business History | Experimentation | Managing Yourself | Sales and Marketing |
Business Law | Family Businesses | Marginalized Groups | Sales Team Management |
Business Law and Ethics | Feedback | Market Research | Scaling Entrepreneurial Ventures |
Business Management | Finance and Investing | Market Segmentation | Sexual Harassment |
Business Models | Financial Analysis | Marketing | Sick Leave |
Business Plans | Financial Crisis | Meeting Management | Sleep |
Business Structures | Financial Markets | Mental Health | Social and Global Issues |
Business Writing | Financial Performance Measurement | Mentoring | Social Enterprise |
Capitalism | Financial Statements | Mergers and Acquisitions | Social Entrepreneurship |
Career Coaching | Flex Time | Mindfulness | Social Marketing |
Career Planning | Fundraising | Mission Statements | Social Media |
Career Transitions | Gender | Mobile and Wireless Technology | Social Movements |
Careers | Giving Feedback | Motivating People | Society and Business Relations |
Change Management | Global Health | National Competitiveness | Socioeconomic Class |
Cognitive Bias | Global Strategy | Negotiating Skills | Start-ups |
Collaboration and Teams | Globalization | Negotiation Strategies | Strategic Analysis |
Compensation and Benefits | Going Public | Neurodiversity | Strategic Planning |
Competitive Strategy | Government | Neuroscience | Strategy |
Consumer Behavior | Government Policy and Regulation | Nonprofit Organizations | Strategy Execution |
Continuous Learning | Growth Strategy | Office Politics | Strategy Formulation |
Corporate Communications | Health and Behavioral Science | Onboarding | Stress Management |
Corporate Finance | Health and Wellness | Online Communities | Succession Planning |
Corporate Governance | Health Care and Treatment | Open Innovation | Supply Chain Management |
Corporate Social Responsibility | High Potential Employees | Operations and Supply Chain Management | Sustainable Business Practices |
Corporate Strategy | Hiring and Recruitment | Operations Strategy | Talent Management |
Costing | Human Resource Management | Organizational Change | Teams |
Cover Letters | Human Rights | Organizational Culture | Technology and Analytics |
Covid | Illness | Organizational Decision Making | Time Management |
Creativity | Immigration | Organizational Development | Time Off |
Crisis Communication | Inclusion and Belonging | Organizational Learning | Time-off Policies |
Crisis Management | Incubators | Organizational Restructuring | Trade |
Cross-cultural Management | Information Management | Organizational Transformation | Transparency |
Cross-functional Management | Innovation | Parental Leave | Trustworthiness |
Customer Experience | Intellectual Property | Performance Indicators | Underperforming Employees |
Customer Service | Internal Communication | Personal Brand | Venture Capital |
Customer Strategy | International Business | Personal Ethics | Venture Funding |
Customer-centricity | International Relations | Personal Growth and Transformation | Virtual Teams |
Cybersecurity and Digital Privacy | Internet of Things | Personal Productivity | Web-based Technologies |
Data Management | Interpersonal Communication | Personal Purpose and Values | Wellness |
Decision Making and Problem Solving | Interpersonal Skills | Personal Resilience | Work Environments |
Delegating | Inventions | Personal Strategy and Style | Work-life Balance |
Design Thinking | Investment Management | Personnel Policies | Working Parents |
Developing Countries | IPOs | Persuasion | Workplace Discrimination |
Developing Employees | IT Management | Philanthropy | Workplace Health and Safety |
IT Security Management | Politics | Workspaces Design |
By addressing these multifaceted subjects, CEOWORLD magazine equips its audience with a broad understanding of key business aspects, enabling them to stay informed, make informed decisions, and navigate the complex landscape of today’s professional world.
Most Popular Topics | Industries | Industries |
Leadership | Advertising Industry | Human Resource Services |
Managing Yourself | Aerospace and Defense Sector | Industrial Sector |
Innovation | Agriculture Sector | Information Technology and Telecom Sector |
Leadership and Managing People | Business Administration and Support Services | Legal Services Industry |
Technology and Analytics | Business Consulting Services | Marketing Industry |
Strategy | Business Services Sector | Media Industry |
Business Communication | Construction and Engineering | Media, Entertainment, and Professional Sports |
Marketing | Consumer Services | Pharmaceutical Industry |
Organizational Culture | Education Institutions | Professional Services |
Economics | Energy and Natural Resources Sector | Professional Sports Industry |
International Business | Fabrication and Manufacturing | Public Administration and Nonprofits |
Customer Experience | Financial Service Sector | Public Relations Industry |
Hiring and Recruitment | Food and Beverage Sector | Real Estate Industry |
Competitive Strategy | Goods, Trade, and Consumer Services | Retail and Consumer Goods |
Decision Making and Problem Solving | Healthcare Sector | Telecom |
Money & SUCCESS | Travel and Tourism Industry | Transportation and Distribution |
Submission of article
You can send the final draft of your article for approval at info@ceoworld.biz
Thanks for considering working with us.
Chloe Robinson
Editor, CEOWORLD magazine
Alfred Reed
Editor, CEOWORLD magazine
(Please don’t send us press releases or sales pitches. They make us feel sad inside.)
Note: We are not averse to touching politically incorrect themes, but the final decision regarding the tone and tenor of the article rests with our editorial team. You may push boundaries, but we will stick to some limits as set by the laws and our own editorial policies. Internet is a free space and you will get lot many platforms to voice your opinion.