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CEOWORLD magazine - Archive in Jon Hutson

Jon Hutson

Jon Hutson

Jon Hutson is the co-founder and Managing Director of Brand Culture. As such, he is a pioneer in wedding the disciplines of strategic branding and culture development united in shared purpose. From the time he had the prescience to purchase the domain “” back in the last Millennium, Jon cultivated the idea of forming a new kind of agency that integrates brand and organizational development as the flip sides of the same coin. With Brand Culture now in its second decade, Jon takes singular satisfaction in finding that the world has, at long last, come around to his point of view.

Jon has previously held senior strategic and business development roles within Wolfgang Puck, Siegel + Gale, Imagination and Caribiner International, where his clients have included BMW, BEA Systems, Ford, The Coca-Cola Company, Holiday Inn Worldwide, Jiffy Lube, Lexus, Motorola, Philips Electronics and other global organizations.

Jon serves on the board of the Michael Hoefflin Foundation and holds a BS in Finance from the University of Wisconsin La Crosse and an MS in Real Estate and Urban Affairs from J. Mack Robinson College of Business at Georgia State University.

Jon Hutson is an opinion columnist for the CEOWORLD magazine. Connect with him through LinkedIn.
Jon Hutson
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