Friday, April 19, 2024

archiveSuper Rich Insider

Margot Cairnes
CEO Agenda

Inherent bias and women in STEM

In his 2007 book Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking, Malcolm Gladwell highlighted the issue of unconscious bias. The Oxford Dictionary defines unconscious bias as “unconscious favoritism towards or prejudice against people of a particular ethnicity, gender, or social group that influences one's actions or perceptions– this can be...
Artificial intelligence
CEO Insights

The Disease of Artificial Intelligence

the most critical challenge seems to be the 'artificial hallucinations' or 'AI hallucinations'. The term artificial hallucinations regard a generative AI tool that produces meaningless or inaccurate results based on non-existent or imperceptible patterns. This phenomenon can adversely affect the real world, such as in the dissemination of content of...
Flag of France in Paris.
Stats Gate

Wealthiest People in France (March 06, 2024)

As of March 6, 2024, Barnard Arnault was the wealthiest person in France, with an estimated net worth of 226.5 billion U.S. dollars, followed by Francoise Bettencourt (No. 2, $96.5 billion), Alain Wertheimer (No. 3, $38.1 billion); and Gerard Wertheimer (No. 4, $38.1 billion). Francois Pinault is the fifth-richest person in France, with a whopping...
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