Monday, October 14, 2024

Francesco Pagano

Francesco Pagano

Francesco Pagano, Senior Partner at Jakala, Shareholder and Contributor at Il Sole 24 Ore, MIA at Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), 20+ years of Sales & Marketing in corporate and start-up world.

Francesco Pagano is an Executive Council member at the CEOWORLD magazine. You can follow him on LinkedIn.
AI will not kill creators. Lack of compensation and trust will.
CEO Journal

AI will not kill creators. Lack of compensation and trust will

2030: A Data Odyssey. It’s a random morning, in 2030. The head designer’s avatar, powered by the latest large language model, has been sifting through all global and local fashion collections, across any brand, plus all of the ideas, sketches, social media posts, private conversations, videos and emails; all of...
Francesco Pagano
Success and Leadership

Call me an idiot

My father was useless. A serial cheater, he dilapidated money like there was no tomorrow, hired proxies who catered to his self-inflated ego and derailed a marriage because he prioritized the ‘I’ and his vices over everyone else’s interests, including his wife’s. The hard truth lens would expose him as...
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