Tuesday, April 23, 2024

CEO Insider

Shane Michael Hatton
CEO Insider

How great leaders value important conversations

Important conversations come with the territory of being a leader. But have you ever felt like an important conversation you needed to have with your leader wasn’t valued by them? How did it make you feel? If the answer was ‘not great’, that’s motivation to think more about this. You...
CEO Insider

The 6 Thinking Hats

The 6 thinking hats is one method used to enhance creative conversations. This method ensures that a wide variety of views and ways of thinking are represented. Using the 6 roles or else what hats represent, the framework allows teams to structure abstract thinking for productive results. But what does...
CEO Insider

A New Frontier of Work-Life Flexibility

The pandemic reignited the debate surrounding the need for society to visualize a new world of work. Empathy for people’s exhaustion is driving C-suite discussions on alternatives to the five-day, 40+-hour week. In response, the California state legislature which represents the world’s fifth-largest economy introduced legislation that would mandate a...
CEO Insider

3 Ways CEOs Can Benefit By Thinking Like Designers

Most organizations typically relegate creatives, especially designers, to their marketing departments, where they can create pretty logos, brochures, and marketing materials. As a result, it is highly unusual to find creatives (right-brained individuals) leading large enterprises or organizations.  The last well-known creative/right-brained CEO the world remembers is Steve Jobs. That's...
CEO Insider

Look at the Whole Board

During Season 3, Episode 14 (Hartsfield’s Landing) of the hit TV series The West Wing (1999-2006), President Bartlet (Martin Sheen) and Sam Seaborn (Rob Lowe) talked about a foreign policy dilemma and how to negotiate a way forward that would avoid military conflict. While the two were playing chess, Sam...
Dr. Chip R. Bell
CEO Insider

Understanding the Luxury-Seeking Customer

The high-end customer segment is one of the fastest-growing components of today's marketplace. According to a recent study by Technavio Research, the luxury goods market is predicted to grow $33 billion over the next five years.  Even as the economy proclaims inflation, wealthy (and wannabe wealthy) consumers have shown little...
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